NEXT CALL: Tuesday 19th May 11:30am


The Community Business Mutual Aid group is run by and for community-led businesses in the UK. It is about solidarity, inspiration and practical peer support during COVID-19 and beyond.

You can just drop in on our fortnightly Zoom calls at any time - these are open to all. Please note that you will need to for each call. We also do a summary of what we have been discussing to date.
Join the network to receive updates, notifications of future calls and connect with others.
You can also provide a case study of what you are doing and/or host a breakout session (we will make a contribution to your community business, so get in touch )

We are stronger together

Supported by Power to Change

What the group is doing...

  • A fortnightly Zoom call, held on Tuesdays at 11.30am (GMT) to discuss current issues, check in on one another, share best practice and discuss how to reconfigure the sector for the future. These discussions are hosted by a community businesses.
  • An email group where you add your email address securely and can then email everyone in the network.
  • Links to practical and inspirational stories from Community Business across the UK, as well as key government, sector and wider resources we hope you will find useful.


11:30 AM

The Themes for our next call:

For the first hour of our call 11.30 to 12.30 we will breakout into groups to discuss the following:

  1. Solidarity room: A discussion without a fixed agenda to download, connect, show solidarity with peers find out more about the network and what’s happening. Open to all and especially recommended for those new to the network.
    Hosted by Bob Thust, The Bevy Community Pub
  2. Transitioning from crisis to sustainability: As more and more community businesses settle into their crisis responses, the knowledge that the impact of COVID-19 is likely to extend for many months is increasingly focusing minds on the long-term business models and sustainability. What are the challenges and opportunities? How can community businesses continue to adapt and survive long-term? Is this the time to divest from what we’ve already been doing and try different things altogether?
    Hosted by Sally Soady,
  3. Connection: we are having to find new ways to live, connect, share information, share stories and deliver services. How are people adapting their work and businesses? What works and what doesn’t? What changes might last? And how do we reach and engage those without access online?
    Hosted by Trica Reilly,  and Giles Piercy, 
  4. Recognising and supporting micro-enterprises: the value of small, community-based micro-enterprises has never been greater yet they face unprecedented challenges. How can we be a part of strengthening and supporting those in our network now and longer-term?
    Hosted by Nickala Torkington, 
  5. Forging new partnerships with local authorities and businesses: now more than ever there has been an increase in the need for local authorities and businesses to work alongside the community – can we use this to change for the long-term and create new, more equal partnerships that recognise each other’s strengths? How do we build and connect to the wave of new volunteers and mutual aid groups?
    Hosted by Daniel Oliver, 
  6. Preserving community assets and physical social infrastructure: Pubs, shops, sports clubs and other community assets are under acute threat from COVID closures. How can our movement use our tools and techniques to protect our social infrastructure?
    Hosted by Oliver Holtaway, and Dan Gregory,
  7. Making the case for the social economy: It seems clear there is little evidence of widespread government or public recognition of the collective role of charities and social enterprises in supporting the nation’s social infrastructure. How can we more clearly and forcefully make the case for the role of community businesses in future?
    Hosted by David Floyd, 

From 12.30 to 13.15 for those that wish to stay on we will be discussing:

The Revolution Room! - The role of community business in shaping the future. A group discussion drawing themes together and discussing how we might work together and support each other to shape the future. Anyone is welcome to participate or simply listen in. This room will focus on a different system each session, building a picture over time.
Sally Lowndes and Jess Prendergrast, Onion Collective will host.


The themes for each session will be updated the Friday before the call

Summary of the key emerging themes from the network and previous calls


If you have any questions please email us directly


This peer support network is currently being hosted by Practical Governance LLP Many of our clients are community businesses and one of our co-founders is on the Management Committee of the Bevy community pub in Brighton. If a community business itself would like to take on this role we’d be delighted to hear from you.

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